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Harvested from bees foraging in the fields of Essex and on the mountains and plains of central Greece, our pure, raw, natural honey is unprocessed and unfiltered in order to retain it's properties.
Our range of floral, honeydew and naturally infused honey will enhance your taste buds and help you support a healthy diet.
Along with our beehives, we use a handful of artisan beekeepers to supply us with honey which is harvested responsibly, from bees that have been taken care of with passion.
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Handmade 100% beeswax candles.
Beeswax is a natural and renewable resource. Beeswax candles emit a bright, healthful light within the same spectrum as the sun — plus negative ions that clean and purify the air and invigorate the body. Being free of harsh chemical is great for sensitive pets, children, asthma sufferers and hayfever relief.
Why not treat someone you love with a gift full of goodness?
You can choose your own combination of honey jars